Intuitive Eating

If you feel like years of dieting have messed up your relationship with food, made you feel like you can’t trust your body, and made you feel guilty every time you binged or ‘fell off track’ then you’re in the right place. Intuitive eating is an evidence-based approach that helps you heal your relationship with food by connecting you to your body and mind. This means:

  • Being able to let go of the control diets have had over you for years & take back your life & your body

  • Finally feel confident & content with your food choices rather than guilty & stressed

  • Having food be a part of your life & your health journey but not letting it take over your life.

We’ll help you achieve all of that and find food freedom by working together every step of the way to first let go of restrictive diets & start to shift your mindset. Then we start to make peace with all foods so no food controls you, and we can reconnect you with your body and its true hunger & fullness signals. You’ll learn how to eat what is satisfying in an amount that is right for you. We’ll start to dive deeper into body image, and tie everything together with gentle nutrition & joyful movement.